Wednesday 17 October 2012

St Arnaud

St Arnaud was founded by gold miners in 1855. 
 St Arnaud grew very slowly, becoming a municipality by 1861

Town Hall complex

The formal opening was marked by a grand ball with dancing until 6 o'clock the following morning

Sure knew how to party back then!!!!

Check out the size of these thongs!!!! in a shop window
Who has feet that big ??????

Mrs Love's cottage

This is the town's oldest remaining miner's cottage.  Built by John Tyson with layers of flat stone gathered from the mine site, it features 12 inch thick walls.
Originally it contained just 2 rooms & later a kitchen & an adjacent room, all with packed earth floors.
Tyson & his wife raised 11 children here.

Uniting church

Beautiful flowers in the Botanical garden

Lake in the gardens

Post box
Cast iron post boxes of this type were manufactured & used in Melbourne from 1860 until 1920.
Only 200 of them now remain.  This was the only one of its type erected in St Arnaud

Jones Family Hotel & Store (now the Botanical Hotel)

Gates to the Botanical gardens
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