Monday 15 October 2012


Finally made it to Horsham, keep missing it when we have been in the area around the Grampians & Great Ocean Road

St Johns Anglican church built in 1957

Bronze sculpture "Wayside Calvary"

Street mural

The metal sculptural mural depicts aspects of the Wimmera's unique landscape:
 a raven's eye view of the area

"Painted tiles"
Images on the tiles reference changes in Horsham city life through the seasons.
The pictures are the children's individual reflections on the culture & environment

"Totem Pole"
Chainsaw art of life along the Wimmera river & township

"Avenue of Honour"
Last remaining Elm tree planted (1901) in commemorate the Anglo Boer War

"Meeting Place"
This sculpture takes the form of a seating arrangement, depict the intersection of the Wimmera river & Burnt creek as a meeting place of  5 traditional owner groups of the region

"Woven Nest"
Nest involves the hand weaving of twigs into the structure

Horsham Theatre, very grand inside
The theatre is one of the last to incorporate a stage with full fly facilities for drama & vaudeville shows

Masonic lodge

Jubilee Hall 1924

Relay for life window, asking locals to make & donate purple squares to make rugs
I donated 5 squares

Town Hall

"Post Office Bell"

"Thomas Brown"
Sculpture depicts founding Botanical Gardens curator Mr Thomas Brown, planting the exact sugar gum on the birth of his son 1895
Thomas Brown term as curator of Horsham gardens lasted 44 years, from 1891 until his retirement in 1935.
His term spanned Federation, the First World War & economic depression

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Lovely bed of pansies

Carved out of the the Old Sugar gum that had to be removed from the gardens for safety reasons

Bob playing with boys toys!!!!
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