Friday 19 October 2012


Maryborough Floor Mill Gallery
Fabulous collection of sewing machines (350) vintage, antique & toy sewing machines
Spent 2 hours in there with the guy showing us all the different machines & the stories to go with them

Bob playing trains!!!!!

Maryborough Railway Station
The historic railway station was built in 1890 & is reported to have the longest platform in country Victoria

Beautiful highly polished timber ceiling

Worsley Cottage museum

 A Bluestone building that became the home of the Maryborough Midlands Historical society in 1976

Squatters Slab Hut (circ) 1844

the oldest known building in the district with shingle roof & rammed earth floor, lined with hessian & canvas

Lovely cottage garden

Grand Post office

Court house

Top of this building adorned with statues
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