Wednesday 19 September 2012

One more sleep !!!

One more sleep before the owners come home from Canada. 14 weeks has flown by & we are looking forward to moving on & hitting the road 

 In the time we have been here, only got caught once @ the level crossing on the way into Swan Hill
 & Bob got Breathalyzed 3 times

Next Sunday & Monday we are catching up with friends from Sydney who are caravaning over the school holidays & meeting up with them in Echuca (4 couples) should be fun to catch up haven't seen them for at least a couple of years

Wistera has just come out on the balcony



Will be sad to leave the pooches behind as they are really lovely dogs & with  loads of character

Bob cleaning the van, getting ready to head off into wild blue yonder, probably on Saturday, as we want to hear about Carolyn & Michael's travels in Canada

Jacqui is a friends dog who has come for a holiday from Melbourne while her mom is on a hiking trip in Scotland.  She is just so cute & loves chasing the ball down on the beach
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