Thursday 27 September 2012

High Drama on Hay Plains

Well we almost made it into Balranald, blew a tyre on the bridge just before town

Bob trying to get the van jacked up, 1 hour later still no luck!!!!

Help arrives

Street party happening here !!!

In the end we had all these lads helping, + a semi driver pulled up + another motorhome
2 jacks + a trolley jack & BINGO finally got inside tyre changed

One shredded tyre

The tyre wasn't our only problem, when it blew, it also shredded the water pipe which is behind the wheel hub + cut the wiring for electric step & brake sensor

Next morning we were camped @ a rest area just outside of town & the wind was SO STRONG, it unraveled our awning & sent if flapping over the roof of the van.  I thought the wind had torn our roof off.

Luckily there were some other people camped & they heard the noise & came to investigate & were able to help us get the awning down & rewound.  Never would have done it on our own took 8 people to fix it!!!!
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