Wednesday 14 November 2012

Panny's Phillip Island Chocolate factory

No visit to the island is worth missing the chocolate factory
Phillip Island chocolate factory was a great surprise, especially the behind the scene visit, loads of fun making your own chocolates & playing all the games

Having fun out the front
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Cocoa tree

Statue of David is solid chocolate

Dame Edna portrait

There is over 3000 individual chocolates that make up the portrait

Panny & a worker !!
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Cute painting on the walls of the factory
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Tonne of chocolate

Chocolate waterfall

Cute penguin making chocolates when you press the button
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  1. hi Jan & Bob..
    great pics
    next time we get to Philip Isl. we will definitely go there

    Veronika & Bo

  2. hi Jan & Bob..
    great pics
    next time we get to Philip Isl. we will definitely go there

    Veronika & Bo
