Friday 24 August 2012

Bayview Eden hotel

I got a good deal Agoda hotel internet site & booked to stay where the Expo was being helde

After getting off the train @ Southern Cross station we found the info centre & were told we could use our train ticket till 3.30pm on all the trams, trains etc in CBD

This enabled us to get to hotel & they told us which trams to catch & we were there in about 20 minutes

Spotted this hot air balloon out the bedroom window, floating over Albert Park

Looking out over Albert park.  Hotel was centrally located, 5 minutes walk to the St Kilda tram

I bought a coupon on the net ($19 for two including a drink each)
& tonight we are off to Red Bennies Burlesque show @ Prahan
should be fun !!!!!

Our room
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