Tuesday 24 April 2012

Loch Ard gorge

After seeing the story of the Loch Ard shipwreck @ Warrnambool Flagstaff Hill Light& Sound show & now to actually see the gorge.  It is truly amazing that anyone survived

How anyone survived for hours in the freezing cold water & also being washed out to sea with the tide & then brought back in on incoming tide

Tom Pearce  (19 yo) was washed ashore & then heard cries for help from Eva Carmichael (19 yo)
& went out in the rough seas to save her

They spent the night in this cave & in the morning Tom somehow managed to climb out of the gorge & was found by workers from a homestead nearby & the alarm was raised

Tom & Eva were the only 2 survivors & 39 others perished

They both returned to England sometime later & never had contact again.
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